Friday, October 5, 2018

Odisha pollution regulator issues notices to Coal India for environmental non-compliance

  • The pollution controller in Odisha issued notice against Coal India mine  for non compliance of environmental norms.
  • The notice issued against two mines in July and August, alleged  sludge treatment plant in one of the mines was found to be defunct and that the water sprinkling systems to keep dust under control were inadequate, among other things.
  • And also the board states that coal fire was found in one of the mines and there is no adequate fire fighting machines.
  • Coal india said the problem will rectify soon.
Source : Economic Times.

Pollution Sensors That Can Read Number Plates & Identify Gross Polluters To Soon Measure Emissions In Delhi

  • The developed countries are outsourcing pollution to developing countries,that means the manufacturing of the products for developed countries took place in countries like India.
  • Air pollution could already cost Indians 1.5 years of their lives, new ways of tackling increasing levels of PM 2.5 are being devised.They were actively looking at ‘Pollution sensors’ to measure the vehicle emissions.
  • Just like a Radio Frequency Identification System (RFID) which measures the weight of trucks and other commercial vehicles entering Delhi, the origin of these vehicles, nature of goods they are carrying and deducts taxes automatically, pollution sensors might help in tracking similar data on vehicle emissions.
  • The sensors helps to find the offenders, can read number plates and save information.With he help of the data authorities take punishment against those people.
Source : India Times

Revealing the Dark Side of Wind Power

Various research are being conducted on the use of renewable energy.Even though renewable technologies helps the environment,these can come up with environmental cost.

One of the studies have found out that the power available from the wind energy is limited.Over use of this wind energy can lead to the rise in temperature over the earth's surface. This rise in temperature is mainly due to the alteration of the atmospheric flow by the turbines.

It was found that the energy generated from large wind plants are less when compared to small ones. This is because in larger wind farms one turbine can disrupt wind flows and reduce the energy-gathering efficiency of other turbines nearby.

The interaction of the turbines in the vast farms leads to  the rise in temperature in those regions itself, which is due to the redistribution of heat in the lower atmosphere.

These studies shows the limitation of wind energy over the solar energy, although wind energy is contributing significantly to  energy supplies in various nations.

Scientists urge greater protection of Brazil’s secondary forests

  • New research indicates that even after 40 years of recovery, fast-growing tropical forests in Brazil house far fewer species and sequester less carbon than their primary counterparts.
  • The study finds the most-recovered secondary forests surveyed had around 80 percent the biodiversity and carbon of nearby primary forests.
  • To allow greater recovery of secondary forests and the wildlife and carbon they house, the researchers say policies should be put in place to better protect these forests and give them the time they need to mature properly.
  • However, they caution that enacting policy is only one part of the solution and urge more funding and attention be given to monitoring and enforcement of forest protection regulations.
Source : Global Forest Reporting Network


the central marine fisheries research institute has come up with a new initiative for laboratory waste management. the institute has set up a glass crushing unit that helps in recycling of refuse glass bottles in the laboratory by pulverizing them into sands and it can be used for construction works. 
laboratories use a lot of glass bottles to store chemicals, but those bottles accumulated non-degradable wastes in labs or its premises after use. the glass crushing unit will be of great help to convert all this waste into recycled materials for further use. the authorities claim that by using this facility the glass waste can be recycled. the authority claims that this technology will create a huge impact on the waste management field.        

          Delhi breathes cleanest air in almost a year as monsoon arrives
          Delhi breathed clean air after 9 months. The Air Quality Index (AQI) value for the cleaness for the capital as “satisfactory” (76) this was due to the arrival of the monsoon which made the air in Delhi the cleanest since September last year.  Air quality is expected to improve across the country after monsoon and wash out the pollutants especially the particulate pollutants.

                                    Although there is extensive upgradation in technology it has found that there the satellite helps to take images of earth surface and its deep interior there was a gap around the South Pole area. To overcome this the POLAR GAP PROJECT was initiated to fill the gap in the satellite data and discovered mountain ranges and three huge,deep subglacial valleys hidden beneath the Antarctica ice. 



The mount Soputan volcano in Indonesia erupted on Wednesday, popping ashes as high as 4000 meters into Sky, days after the earthquake and tsunami killed more than 1400 people on the same island. The quake and volcano may also hurt the nations all-important tourism industry, which was ratted by a series of deadly earthquakes in popular tourist destinations. scientist claims that the volcano may hurt the environment more.  

410 missing tree- Blame between Delhi forest deartment NHAI

Delhi forest department lodged FIR against NHAI for missing of trees between Bakoli village and Singhu order. Forest department said NHAI cut down trees to widen the roads. During the routine check-up 410 out of 1952 trees was missing.
NHAI is widening the stretch of 14 km of which construction of 7 km have already started. NHAI officials clamied there was no evidence of any trees being cut on the stretch.
            The forest department official said NHAI proposal to cut 1,952 trees was rejected twice, as the agency couldn’t transfer the land where compensatory plantation was to be done to the forest department. NHAI transferred DDA land to the forest department only on July 31, before that the 410 trees went missing.

Govt plans Rs 65,000-crore project to reduce greenhouse gases from agriculture

India set to roll out program to cut down the green house gas from agriculture. It aims to protect five vulnerable ecological landscapes. This covers Mahya Pradesh, Mizoram, Odisha, Rajasthan and Uttarakhand. Each of this is home for over third of India's 300 milliom tribals, precious wildlife and forest. The goal of the project is to sequestrate 49.9 million tonnes of carbon gasses through improved agro ecosystem, this runs from a period 2018-2025.

India's commitment to beat plastic pollution 'doable':UNEP chief

Erik, UN environment chief stated that there is enormous energy from its states to fulfil its promise to eliminate single-use plastic by 2022.
He suggested a three-pronged approach to beat plastic pollution.
And said that the first step is the elimination of plastic products that do not serve any purpose.
Useful plastics need to be recycled and the third is innovation.

South Africa’s Steps Towards Waste Management

    South Africa's commitment to sustainable development aims at balancing socio-economic development and protection of environmental resources.

    The South African Waste Information System (SAWIS) was developed by the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) in 2005.This is a system used by government and industry to capture routine data on the tonnages of waste generated, recycled and disposed of in South Africa on a monthly and annual basis.

      Government of different countries have to take necessary steps to  manage waste in a sustainable manner.In this context, government of South Africa has launched research chairs on waste management.Scope of these research chairs is to bring about changes in the waste management sector also helping the socio-economic development of the country.

      The newly formed research includes the South African Research Chair in Waste and Climate, and the South African Research Chair in Waste and Society.

       Waste and society and waste and climate are the two important areas of focus for the South African Waste, Research, Development and Innovation Roadmap.

NGT saw red, government plans to ease green norms for reality

Union environment ministry approved changes in Environment Impact Assessment to exempt realty projects below 50,000 square metres of built-up area from seeking prior environment clearance (EC).

New buildings or expansion projects less than 50,000 square meters would not require environment clearance.

None of the relaxations would cover coastal zones, forest area and protected area which would continue to be regulated under the respective Acts.

Bengal chemicals keen on resuming anti-snake venom serum production

Bengal chemicals and pharmaceuticals ltd(BCPL). which had forayed into anti-snake venom serum(ASVS) manufacturing India nearly half a ce...