Sunday, September 30, 2018

'High-yield' farming costs the environment less than previously thought

New findings suggest that more intensive agriculture might be the 'least bad' option for feeding the world while saving its species -- provided use of such 'land-efficient' systems prevents further conversion of wilderness to farmland.

There is mounting evidence that the best way to meet rising food demand while conserving biodiversity is to wring as much food as sustainably possible from the land we do farm, so that more natural habitats can be "spared the plough."

Scientists have put together measures for some of the major "externalities" -- such as greenhouse gas emission, fertiliser and water use -- generated by high- and low-yield farming systems, and compared the environmental costs of producing a given amount of food in different ways.

Their results from four major agricultural sectors suggest that, contrary to many people's perceptions, more intensive agriculture that uses less land may also produce fewer pollutants, cause less soil loss and consume less water.
However, the team behind the study, led by scientists from the University of Cambridge, caution that if higher yields are simply used to increase profit or lower prices, they will only accelerate the extinction crisis we are already seeing.
"Agriculture is the most significant cause of biodiversity loss on the planet," said study lead author Andrew Balmford, Professor of Conservation Science from Cambridge's Department of Zoology. "Habitats are continuing to be cleared to make way for farmland, leaving ever less space for wildlife."

Tourism clash on Great Barrier Reef

 The high temperature which turns white patches of Barrier Reef to ashen has threatened to put a break in the number tourists.
Overall there is a drop in visitation by 10% in 2017 to further 15% in 2018.
visitors miss the massive structure of Barrier Reef.
The damaged reefs can take a decade to recover.
if the reef gets listed as endangered by UNESCO, it may adversely affect the economic and local industry.

Trump administration predicts a 7-degree global temperature rise.

Last month, deep in a 500-page environmental impact statement, the Trump administration made a startling assumption: On its current course, the planet will warm a disastrous 7 degrees by the end of this century.
A rise of 7 degrees Fahrenheit, or about 4 degrees Celsius, compared with pre-industrial levels would be catastrophic, according to scientists. Many coral reefs would dissolve in increasingly acidic oceans. Parts of Manhattan and Miami would be under water without costly coastal defenses. Extreme heat waves would routinely smother large parts of the globe.
David Pettit, a senior attorney at the Natural Resources Defense Council who testified against Trump's freeze of car mileage standard Monday in Fresno, California, said his organization is prepared to use the administration's own numbers to challenge their regulatory rollbacks. He noted that NHTSA document projects that if the world takes no action to curb emissions, current atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide would rise from 410 parts per million to 789 ppm by 2100.

Thinking inside( and outside) the Box

Have you ever resorted to aggressively using your vehicle key  or even biting, in a state of frustration, to open a stubborn package? 

The experience of packaging-induced anger is known as "wrap rage," a term coined by Jeff Bezos. Wrap rage also refers to the moral outrage spurred by the unnecessary packaging around purchases 
  • Amazon has been working for 10 years to figure it out- By partnering with brands and manufacturers, the retail giant aims to both improve customer experience while cutting down on material use through a Frustration-Free Packaging program. Eg: Hasbro
  • Online bought stuff's packaging serves to ship and protect, not sell 
  • By partnering with brands and manufacturers, the retail giant aims to both improve customer experience while cutting down on material use through a Frustration-Free Packaging program.
  • In 2017, Americans spent $240 billion — twice as much as they spent in 2002 — on goods such as jewelry, telephones and related communication equipment etc.
  • Online retail creates a web of sustainability challenges, from increased urban congestion(Pdf)  and emissions to "recyclable" packaging that is never actually recycled.

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Its Electrifying

  • Electric transit buses are becoming a really attractive product for cities.
  • US based Electric bus maker Proterra brought in  the German automaker Daimler as an investor and partner.
  • City bus fleets can save on fuel costs, lower air pollution in vulnerable communities and often tap into state grants to help pay for their purchase.
  • Despite the U.S.-based Proterra’s big wins in the U.S., it’s actually China that has made the EV bus a mainstream product.
  • Bloomberg New Energy Finance said that close to 400,000 electric buses were operating around the world last year, 99 percent of which are in China.
  •  By 2025, there are supposed to be 1.2 million electric buses, with — again — 99 percent of them in China.
  • IKEA CEO Jesper Brodin announced at the conference last week that IKEA plans to use EVs for 100 percent of its home deliveries by 2030.

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Should we "zinc" or swim ?

         It's Sunday,  September 30, and a cheaper battery could help us move closer to a carbon-free grid.
                       Lithium-ion batteries are everywhere, the problem is they kinda suck ( wear out, use precious metals that are hard to mine, and sometimes burst into flames). For years, there’s been no other alternative.
  • On Wednesday, NantEnergy, an energy company owned by Cali billionaire Patrick Soon-Shiong, unveiled a new battery .
  • It runs on zinc and plain old air, it’s rechargeable, and — here’s the important part — it functions at a fraction of the cost of a lithium-ion battery. 
  • NantEnergy’s batteries cost $100 per kilowatt hour VS lithium-ion batteries which cost around $300 to $400 per kilowatt-hour(according to the NY Times).

The new battery was announced at the One Planet Summit in New York City, an event put on by France’s President Emmanuel Macron. This wasn’t the first time the world saw NantEnergy’s technology — the company has been testing the tech in Asian and African villages’ micro grids. And zinc-air batteries have been powering some cellphone towers in the U.S. for years.
microgrid is a discrete energy system consisting of distributed energy sources (including demand management, storage, and generation) and loads capable of operating in parallel with, or independently from, the main power grid.

Please let me know about your views in the comments below.

The Biomimicry Institute

The BI's "Ask Nature" project brings biology to the design table.They inspire the innovators to emulate nature's time tested  forms ,processes and systems to solve this century's greatest challenges.
A number of invention have been developed by observing nature closely (check the links at the bottom).
Bio mimicry's purpose is to naturalize bio-mimicry in the culture by promoting the transfer of ideas,designs,strategies from biology to sustainable human systems design.

The Biomimicry Institute focuses on three things:

  • Tech and empower people to solve real world sustainability problems such as water,energy,transportation,and food systems through Bio-mimicry design challenges.
  • Mobilize educators and regional practitioners through the Global Bio-mimicry Network,where over  3000 educators have a place to access content which is completely free .
  • Educate and inspire through online database of nature based solutions,
Please go through the links below which I have used for the references.


Let me know  about your views by posting in the comments below.

Bengal chemicals keen on resuming anti-snake venom serum production

Bengal chemicals and pharmaceuticals ltd(BCPL). which had forayed into anti-snake venom serum(ASVS) manufacturing India nearly half a ce...