Have you ever resorted to aggressively using your vehicle key or even biting, in a state of frustration, to open a stubborn package?
The experience of packaging-induced anger is known as "wrap rage," a term coined by Jeff Bezos. Wrap rage also refers to the moral outrage spurred by the unnecessary packaging around purchases
- Amazon has been working for 10 years to figure it out- By partnering with brands and manufacturers, the retail giant aims to both improve customer experience while cutting down on material use through a Frustration-Free Packaging program. Eg: Hasbro
- Online bought stuff's packaging serves to ship and protect, not sell
- By partnering with brands and manufacturers, the retail giant aims to both improve customer experience while cutting down on material use through a Frustration-Free Packaging program.
- In 2017, Americans spent $240 billion — twice as much as they spent in 2002 — on goods such as jewelry, telephones and related communication equipment etc.
- Online retail creates a web of sustainability challenges, from increased urban congestion(Pdf) and emissions to "recyclable" packaging that is never actually recycled.
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