Sunday, September 30, 2018

'High-yield' farming costs the environment less than previously thought

New findings suggest that more intensive agriculture might be the 'least bad' option for feeding the world while saving its species -- provided use of such 'land-efficient' systems prevents further conversion of wilderness to farmland.

There is mounting evidence that the best way to meet rising food demand while conserving biodiversity is to wring as much food as sustainably possible from the land we do farm, so that more natural habitats can be "spared the plough."

Scientists have put together measures for some of the major "externalities" -- such as greenhouse gas emission, fertiliser and water use -- generated by high- and low-yield farming systems, and compared the environmental costs of producing a given amount of food in different ways.

Their results from four major agricultural sectors suggest that, contrary to many people's perceptions, more intensive agriculture that uses less land may also produce fewer pollutants, cause less soil loss and consume less water.
However, the team behind the study, led by scientists from the University of Cambridge, caution that if higher yields are simply used to increase profit or lower prices, they will only accelerate the extinction crisis we are already seeing.
"Agriculture is the most significant cause of biodiversity loss on the planet," said study lead author Andrew Balmford, Professor of Conservation Science from Cambridge's Department of Zoology. "Habitats are continuing to be cleared to make way for farmland, leaving ever less space for wildlife."

Tourism clash on Great Barrier Reef

 The high temperature which turns white patches of Barrier Reef to ashen has threatened to put a break in the number tourists.
Overall there is a drop in visitation by 10% in 2017 to further 15% in 2018.
visitors miss the massive structure of Barrier Reef.
The damaged reefs can take a decade to recover.
if the reef gets listed as endangered by UNESCO, it may adversely affect the economic and local industry.

Trump administration predicts a 7-degree global temperature rise.

Last month, deep in a 500-page environmental impact statement, the Trump administration made a startling assumption: On its current course, the planet will warm a disastrous 7 degrees by the end of this century.
A rise of 7 degrees Fahrenheit, or about 4 degrees Celsius, compared with pre-industrial levels would be catastrophic, according to scientists. Many coral reefs would dissolve in increasingly acidic oceans. Parts of Manhattan and Miami would be under water without costly coastal defenses. Extreme heat waves would routinely smother large parts of the globe.
David Pettit, a senior attorney at the Natural Resources Defense Council who testified against Trump's freeze of car mileage standard Monday in Fresno, California, said his organization is prepared to use the administration's own numbers to challenge their regulatory rollbacks. He noted that NHTSA document projects that if the world takes no action to curb emissions, current atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide would rise from 410 parts per million to 789 ppm by 2100.

Thinking inside( and outside) the Box

Have you ever resorted to aggressively using your vehicle key  or even biting, in a state of frustration, to open a stubborn package? 

The experience of packaging-induced anger is known as "wrap rage," a term coined by Jeff Bezos. Wrap rage also refers to the moral outrage spurred by the unnecessary packaging around purchases 
  • Amazon has been working for 10 years to figure it out- By partnering with brands and manufacturers, the retail giant aims to both improve customer experience while cutting down on material use through a Frustration-Free Packaging program. Eg: Hasbro
  • Online bought stuff's packaging serves to ship and protect, not sell 
  • By partnering with brands and manufacturers, the retail giant aims to both improve customer experience while cutting down on material use through a Frustration-Free Packaging program.
  • In 2017, Americans spent $240 billion — twice as much as they spent in 2002 — on goods such as jewelry, telephones and related communication equipment etc.
  • Online retail creates a web of sustainability challenges, from increased urban congestion(Pdf)  and emissions to "recyclable" packaging that is never actually recycled.

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Its Electrifying

  • Electric transit buses are becoming a really attractive product for cities.
  • US based Electric bus maker Proterra brought in  the German automaker Daimler as an investor and partner.
  • City bus fleets can save on fuel costs, lower air pollution in vulnerable communities and often tap into state grants to help pay for their purchase.
  • Despite the U.S.-based Proterra’s big wins in the U.S., it’s actually China that has made the EV bus a mainstream product.
  • Bloomberg New Energy Finance said that close to 400,000 electric buses were operating around the world last year, 99 percent of which are in China.
  •  By 2025, there are supposed to be 1.2 million electric buses, with — again — 99 percent of them in China.
  • IKEA CEO Jesper Brodin announced at the conference last week that IKEA plans to use EVs for 100 percent of its home deliveries by 2030.

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Should we "zinc" or swim ?

         It's Sunday,  September 30, and a cheaper battery could help us move closer to a carbon-free grid.
                       Lithium-ion batteries are everywhere, the problem is they kinda suck ( wear out, use precious metals that are hard to mine, and sometimes burst into flames). For years, there’s been no other alternative.
  • On Wednesday, NantEnergy, an energy company owned by Cali billionaire Patrick Soon-Shiong, unveiled a new battery .
  • It runs on zinc and plain old air, it’s rechargeable, and — here’s the important part — it functions at a fraction of the cost of a lithium-ion battery. 
  • NantEnergy’s batteries cost $100 per kilowatt hour VS lithium-ion batteries which cost around $300 to $400 per kilowatt-hour(according to the NY Times).

The new battery was announced at the One Planet Summit in New York City, an event put on by France’s President Emmanuel Macron. This wasn’t the first time the world saw NantEnergy’s technology — the company has been testing the tech in Asian and African villages’ micro grids. And zinc-air batteries have been powering some cellphone towers in the U.S. for years.
microgrid is a discrete energy system consisting of distributed energy sources (including demand management, storage, and generation) and loads capable of operating in parallel with, or independently from, the main power grid.

Please let me know about your views in the comments below.

The Biomimicry Institute

The BI's "Ask Nature" project brings biology to the design table.They inspire the innovators to emulate nature's time tested  forms ,processes and systems to solve this century's greatest challenges.
A number of invention have been developed by observing nature closely (check the links at the bottom).
Bio mimicry's purpose is to naturalize bio-mimicry in the culture by promoting the transfer of ideas,designs,strategies from biology to sustainable human systems design.

The Biomimicry Institute focuses on three things:

  • Tech and empower people to solve real world sustainability problems such as water,energy,transportation,and food systems through Bio-mimicry design challenges.
  • Mobilize educators and regional practitioners through the Global Bio-mimicry Network,where over  3000 educators have a place to access content which is completely free .
  • Educate and inspire through online database of nature based solutions,
Please go through the links below which I have used for the references.


Let me know  about your views by posting in the comments below.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Arctic sea ice cover hits its worst record for 2018

  • The ice cover in arctic reached its lowest on September  2018,and it gets worsened day by day.
  • With an ice cover of 4.59 million sq km, 2018 is tied with 2008 and 2010 for the sixth lowest summertime ice cover.
  • The growth and decay of ice capping in Arctic ocean depends on several reasons.
  • It thickens during fall and winter and thin during summer and spring.
  • This affects earth's weather patterns and ocean circulation.
  • The scientist in NASA says that cover is relatively higher that what it was in 2012, but relatively lower than in 1970s , 80s, and 90s.

Liquid metal discovery to make toxic water safe and drinkable

Researchers found that nano-filters made of aluminium oxide could be economically produced using virtually no energy from a fixed amount of liquid metal gallium and explained how when a chunk of aluminium is added to the core of liquid gallium at room temperature, layers of aluminium oxide are quickly produced at the surface of the gallium.

It was also discovered that these aluminium oxide nano-sheets were highly porous and its efficiency in filtering both heavy metal ions and oil contamination at unprecedented, ultra-fast rates.
 Researchers said these low cost and portable filters produced by this new liquid metal based manufacturing process could be used by people without access to clean drinking water to remove substances like lead and other toxic metals in a matter of minutes. This technology could be put to good use in Africa and Asia in places where heavy metal ions in the water are at levels well beyond safe human consumption. It is estimated that 790 million people, or one in 10 of the Earth's population, do not have access to clean water.
There are portable filtration products available that do remove heavy metals from water, but they are comparatively expensive, often costing more than $100. By contrast, aluminium oxide filters produced from liquid gallium could be produced for as little as 10 cents, making them attractive to prospective manufacturers. While aluminium is a plentiful and cheap metal, gallium is relatively expensive. But what makes gallium the hero in the process is the fact that it remains pure and unchanged after each production of aluminium oxide.

Major transformation ahead for Earth's ecosystems

International Scientists warned that Earth's ecosystem will risks a major transformation in the next century due to climate change. Some of these changes were already started to happen in the US through wildfires it had destroyed pine forests and transforming swaths of the territory into shrublands. These changes will likely to extend to savannas, deserts and woodlands n the next 100-150 years. It will upset the whole ecosystem. Climate change is something we have to give the greatest importance and should check it properly. Otherwise, it will affect the diversity of the planet. Human-caused climate change is different than other causes. The burning of fossil fuels like oil and coal emits heat trapped gases around the planet. the Earth is currently heating up at, much quicker pace. Researchers described their work as the most comprehensive study to date, based on pollen and plant fossil records from 594 sites worldwide dating back to between 21000 and 14000 years ago. every continent except Antartica is included. The most significant changes were seen in the mid to high latitudes of North America, Europe, and Southern South America. Shifting landscapes would affect drinking water, water recreation, river flow.

Source:(TOI, August 31)

RIVER POLLUTION: NGT directs the state to act

The news all about the increased in polluted river stretches in the country, the national green tribunal(NGT) has directed all states and union territories to prepare action plans within two months,
also, they introduce what was happened like they had to failed to check pollution, and they have not been able to stop dumping of waste, discharge of effluents in rivers and water bodies.
Tsunami hits Indonesian city after 7.5 magnitude earthquake

A tsunami of up to 2m hit a small city on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi after a 7.5 quake struck offshore yesterday. the 1.5 to two-meter tsunami has receded, and the yesterday situation is very chaotic, people are running on the streets and buildings collapsed. already BMKG had issued a tsunami warning.  

2018 Arctic summertime sea ice minimum extent tied for sixth lowest on record

Arctic sea ice likely reached its 2018 lowest extent on Sept. 19 and again on Sept. 23, 2018. Analysis of satellite data showed that, at 1.77 million square miles (4.59 million square kilometers), 2018 effectively tied with 2008 and 2010 for the sixth lowest summertime minimum extent in the satellite record.

Arctic sea ice, the cap of frozen seawater blanketing most of the Arctic Ocean and neighboring seas in wintertime, follows seasonal patterns of growth and decay. It thickens and spreads during the fall and winter and thins and shrinks during the spring and summer. But in the past decades, increasing temperatures have led to prominent decreases in the Arctic sea ice extents, with particularly rapid decreases in the minimum summertime extent. The shrinking of the Arctic sea ice cover can ultimately affect the planet's weather patterns and the circulation of the oceans.

One of the most unusual features of this year's melt season has been the reopening of a polynya-like hole in the icepack north of Greenland, where the oldest and thickest sea ice of the Arctic typically resides. In February of this year, a similar opening appeared in the same area, catching the attention of sea ice scientists everywhere. The first appearance of the hole raised concerns about the possibility that the region could became vulnerable if the original, thicker ice cover was replaced with thinner ice as the exposed seawater refroze. NASA's Operation IceBridge mission probed the area in March, finding that the ice was indeed thinner and thus more susceptible to be pushed around by the winds and ocean currents.

With the successful launch of NASA's Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite-2, or ICESat-2, on Sept. 15, scientists will be able to use the data from the spacecraft's advanced laser altimeter to create detailed maps of sea ice thickness in both the Arctic and the Antarctic.

How some algae may survive climate change

Green algae that evolved to tolerate hostile and fluctuating conditions in salt marshes and inland salt flats are expected to survive climate change, thanks to hardy genes they stole from bacteria.These Picochlorum single-celled species of green algae provide clues to how nature can modify genomes, and suggest ways in which scientists may someday engineer more robust algae to serve as biofuels and provide other benefits.

A study appearing on the journal Molecular Biology and Evolution, reveals how the miniaturized genomes of green algae have evolved from the larger genomes of their freshwater ancestors to become resilient primary producers of organic compounds that support ecosystems. This transition to a saltier and more hostile environment achieved by Picochlorum occurred over millions of years but parallels what is happening on a more rapid scale now due to climate change.

And the world's largest bird is Voromobe titan

Sept 29 2018
PARIS: After more than a century of conflicting evidence the scientists finally found the world's largest bird namely Voromobe titan. In the 19th century, the new breed over the creature, pillaging skeletons and fossilized eggs were discovered the biggest bird on earth. It is also like elephant bird, only the bones were distinct from the elephant bird specimens, in fact titan was entirely different genus with estimates of 860 kg.


The news was published on 18th september, 2018 in THE INDIAN EXPRESS.
The bombay high court ordered a total freeze on the destruction of mangroves in the state.The court said that the destruction of mangroves across the state cannot be permitted for any use unless it is necessary for the public good. A 50m buffer zone should be created around mangrove land in which no constuction activity or dumping of debris should be allowed.The bench said that the developement plan in the future will be in consideration above judgement.The court further directed the state Government to constitute a committe for the preservation of mangroves in the state within aperiod of 1 month and this committee will be responsible for the preservations and restoration of mangrove and check violation and ensure that all the directions in the  judgement are implemented. The state will have to notify all private mangrove land as protected forest land within 18 months.

Tsunami hits Indonesia's Palu after strong earthquake.

A strong earthquake with a magnitude of 7.5 on the ritcher scale and Donggala in Indonesia as the epicenter has triggered Tsunami waves across the island nation. Tsunami waves have been reported to hit at Palu in Indonesia.

This incident is reminiscent of the 2004 earthquake with Sumatra as the epicenter, which caused loss of many lives and also spread havoc, chaos and destruction over the Indian subcontinent and many parts of Indonesia.

Experts say Indonesia is highly vulnerable to earthquakes as it lies across the 'ring of fire' where active volcanoes are present which results in tectonic activities which can cause earthquakes and may set off tsunami waves,

Alarm! A change for the best is neccessary for the planet.

The UN has called the crisis urgent and decried the lack of global leadership to address the issue of Global Warming. Secretary General, Antonio Gutteres, warned that the world is facing a " direct existential threat" and must rapidly reduce or stop usage of fossil fuel by 2020 to prevent "runaway climate change".
Renewable energy is the alternative for fossil fuels. It must be promoted to reduce the Social Cost of Carbon incurred by the nation of the world. Use of renewable energy will significantly and dramatically minimise and mitigate the backlash of damage done to the environment which led to the global temperature increase.

Science and Tourism grapples over coral reefs down under.

The portion of  The Great Barrier Reef near to Australia and New Zealand have been a local source of huge revenue in forms of Snorkeling and Scuba diving  protagonists. However, due to the man made rise in global temperature, the reefs have suffered damage. This lead to interventions by the local scientific community to cut off all tourist activities.

A  timely restriction has somehow resulted in the repair of the reef to a humble extent. But, the science folk says its too early to conclude and precaution must be on point for further mitigation, The constraint has affected almost 64000 jobs and has led to pandemonium onshore. The Aussies are divided in their opinion on the issue and are seeking refute over the conundrum.

Govt's first solar panel manufacturing tender draws Zero response( 28 Sep 2018 - Business standard)

The government's first tender for 3Gw of solar panel manufacturing ,along with 10Gw of power plant has received no bids. The tender was first issued in May this year and extended several times owing to resistance from the industry over specifications. 

Major players not accepting this bid, because that there is no funding push from the centre ,which reduces the viability of solar manufacturing in India Government across the world including china support solar through subsidy. In India, there is market uncertainty due to high import coupled with interest and capital cost.The tender for setting up solar cell and module manufacturing plant - for an aggregate capacity of 5Gw linked with solar PV projects in India on "build own operate" basis issued in May 2018.

Abrupt thawing of permafrost leads to over whelming release of methane following the formation of thermokarst lakes.

The permafrost present in the Artic are prone to seasonal thawing due to predictable phenomena of nature. But,they are now subject to gradual and abrupt thawing as consequence of climate warming due to man made pollution. 

Thawing is the process which releases methane gas from the soil when the carbon present in the soil gets consumed by microbes. Naturally, this process is very minimal in effect when compared to Abrupt Thawing; which makes the release of methane gas to a overwhelming and unprecedented extent. 

Thermokarsts are lakes which are formed due to the melting of permafrost present in the Artic region. Permafrost is ground that is frozen year-round. In the Arctic, ice-rich permafrost soils can be up to 260 feet (80 meters) thick. Due to human-caused warming of the atmosphere from greenhouse gas emissions, a gradual thawing of the permafrost is currently taking place where the upper layer of seasonally thawed soil is gradually getting thicker and reaching deeper into the ground. 

This process wakes up microbes in the soil that decompose soil organic matter and as a result release carbon dioxide and methane(bi-products) back into the atmosphere. This gradual thaw process is accounted for in climate models and is thought to have minimal effect as thawed ground also stimulates the growth of plants, which counterbalance the carbon released into the atmosphere by consuming it during photosynthesis.

However, in the presence of thermokarst lakes, permafrost thaws deeper and more quickly. Thermokarst lakes form when substantial amounts of ice in the deep soil melts to liquid water. Because the same amount of ice takes up more volume than water, the land surface slumps and subsides, creating a small depression that then fills with water from rain, snow melt and ground ice melt. The water in the lakes speeds up the thawing of the frozen soil along their shores and expands the lake size and depth at a much faster pace than gradual thawing.

Abrupt thawing leads to thermokarsts.

Greater Chennai corporation ,CREDAI sign a MoU to restore 10 waterbodies( 28 Sep 2018  -TOI)

The greater Chennai corporation and CREDAI Chennai have signed a memorandum of understanding for the restoration of 10 water bodies. CREDAI Chennai engaged EFI to carry out restoration work and it will be completed within 6 months. Under this initiative ,the floor of  lakes and ponds will be cleaned .They will be made accessible, the bunds will be strengthened ,fenced and trees will be planted around the water body.

The water bodies taken up includes Arraa kulam,, Ayyankulam ,Vairavan Kulam ,Mayttukuppam Ganga Nagar Pond ,Appaduraipillai street pond in valasarvakkam. Aalavancherry kulam,Mandapam Kuttai,Amara pond in perungudi ,Thalikulam and sarayakulam in Sholinganallur . The storm water drain department has taken up the restoration of these water bodies The city based NGO ,Chennai city coordinates the effort.


EFI - Environmentalist Foundation of India

Friday, September 28, 2018

Temperature record of past 1000 years

  • The tremperature record of past 1000 years describes the reconstruction of temperature for last 1000 years on the Northern Hemisphere.
  • Studying past climate is interest for Scientists in order to understand current climate variability and providing a basis for future climate projection.
  • If nature and magnitude of natural climate variability can be established,scientist will be in better position to identify human generated cliamte variability.
  • Although temperature reconstructions from proxy data help us understand charecter of natural climate variability,attribution of recent climate change relies on broad range of methodology in addition to proxy reconstruction.
  • By far the best observedperiod is from 1850 to the present day.
  • Direct thermometer readings has approximately global coverage.
  • It shows a general warming in global temperature.

- The Hindu 9th August 2018

India leadership in solar energy

 India and France had together announced the International Solar Alliance parallel to the Paris climate change summit in 2015.
 Its goal is to make big investments in solar energy in developing countries so that they can both fight rapid climate change and meet a rising energy demand.
 ISA plans to mobilize a trillion dollars to help create at least 1,000 GW of solar power capacity by 2030.
India’s target it to raise a solar power capacity of 100 GW by 2022, which requires quadrupling existing capacity in four years. But there are some very real policy challenges.
 For example, import duties on solar cells, that are intended to encourage domestic manufacturing, come with the side effect of slower capacity addition.

source:Times of India

The Paris Accord-new changes

World leaders gather to breathe new life into Paris accord 

During the Accords French President Emmanuel Macron, aims to accelerate the implementation of the 2015 Paris accord majorly through increasing the fund for climate action

Despite several announcements and summits the climate war has rarely made any progress.

President Donald Trump has announced an pull-out in 2017 and have also slashed a number of regulations set by President Obama

The next UN negotiating summit COP24 will take place in December in Poland to be attended by about 30 Presidents, Prime Ministers and Ministers.

Bachendri Pal to lead month-long rafting expedition to clean Ganga

A 40-member team, including 20 women, will undertake a month -long rafting expedition "Mission Gange" ,October 3 
The team would be led by Pal, the first Indian woman to climb Mount Everest. The objective is to clean the river Ganga and spread awareness on waste management, covering a distance of 1500 km downstream. This was inspired by our Prime Minister Modi jis 'Namami Gange' campaign.The expedition was being supported by the Government of India and Tata Steel .

TN Pollution Control Boards refusal to renew consent for operating Sterlite copper plant.

Published in : FIRSTPOST
Dated : Sep 25, 2018

Vedanta being the parent company of sterlite told a panel which was constituted by the National Green Tribunal and headed by the Former Chief Justice of Meghalaya Highcourt that the TN pollution control board refused to renew the consent for operating its sterlite copper plant in Tuticorin. According to sources they said that it was operating against the law such as producing beyond the prescribed capacity, using second hand equipments, leakage of waste resources into the waterbodies and streams, emmission of harmful waste toxins causing lot of pollution. The plant didn't follow any ethics as they didn't gave any serious concern for their employees working there, no safety were there and due to that some fellow employees were killed by an accident which occured inside the plant. There were a lot of protests which demanded the closure of the plant. A public relation official of sterlite said that there were around 45,000 petitions in favour of re-opening the sterlite plant which was raised and submitted by villagers, contractors, workmen and vendors.He also said that such petitions were authenticated with supporting documents like Aadhar card.Moreover, MDMK chief Vaiko, one of the respondents in the NGT said the panel that "Sterlite is an environmental disaster". 

For further reference go through the link :
Running on fuel cell technology

The launch of hytrogen powered train service in germany
mark a break through in the commercial use of fuel cell technology.
it is the cleanest of technology since the waste product is plane water.
also fuel in a fuel cell is inexhaustible and highly efficient.
the coradia ilint trains have a range of abut 1000 km on a single hytrofen tank.

The dam crisis

the govt decision to allocate an additional 34.66 billion to strengthen dams is a good step to protecting against any future hazard or dam failure.

the dam safety issue merits urgent attention because over 75% of the countries dams are over 25 years old with the majority of them exceeding their lifespan of 50:60 years.

the mullperiyar dam located in Kerala but owned by Tamilnadu is typical case in this point

Methane's effects on sunlight vary by region

Scientists investigating how human-induced increases in atmospheric methane also increase the amount of solar energy absorbed by that gas in our climate system have discovered that this absorption is 10 times stronger over desert regions such as the Sahara Desert and Arabian Peninsula than elsewhere on Earth, and nearly three times more powerful in the presence of clouds.
A research team from the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) came to this conclusion after evaluating observations of Jupiter and Titan (a moon of Saturn), where methane concentrations are more than a thousand times those on Earth, to quantify methane's shortwave radiative effects here on Earth.These findings were published online today in the journal Science Advances in an article entitled "Large Regional Shortwave Forcing by Anthropogenic Methane Informed by Jovian Observations." The paper indicates large regional variability in the ways methane acts as a solar absorber, finding that methane absorption, or "radiative forcing," is largely dependent on bright surface features and clouds.

Scientists show polar 'polynya' supported marine life during last Ice Age

There was a small ice-free 'polynya' between the frozen continents and the open ocean where microscopic marine life prevailed, which would have provided otherwise unavailable food for fish and mammals.The study was led by Geological Survey of Norway (NGU), the Centre for Arctic Gas Hydrate, Environment and Climate at The Arctic University of Norway, and the Centre for Chemical Sciences at the University of Plymouth.
The researchers believe their findings are of international importance since they show the vulnerability of marine ecosystems in the northern oceans to periods of rapid climate change, but also their adaptability to various extreme climate states.

Big increase in economic costs if cuts in greenhouse gas emissions are delayed

Stronger efforts to cut greenhouse gas emissions should be undertaken to avoid global warming of more than 1.5 degrees Celsius -- without relying on potentially more expensive or risky technologies to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere or reduce the amount of sunlight reaching Earth's surface.
Researchers from UEA, the London School of Economics and Political Science, and Imperial College London assessed almost 200 published academic papers on climate change, including recent studies about the economics of limiting global warming to 1.5ºC.
They noted that economics analyses produce inconclusive results about the value of limiting global warming to 1.5ºC.
The paper states: "Due to large uncertainties about the economic costs and, in particular, the benefits, there can be no clear answer to the question of whether the 1.5ºC target passes a cost-benefit test."

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Top priority for public transport

This news was published in The Economic Times on September 9,2018

  • Electric power is the way to go for trnsport sector need to curb greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution.
  • The govt is finalizing a policy that would help the transition the sector away from internal combustion engine and fossil fuels to electric vehicles and alternative fuels.
  • The govt must priortise mass transit over cars and private vehicles.
  • Greater investment in sector but also working to change public attitudes , from seeing public transport as option for tjose who cannot afford a personal vehicle or be a part of shared mobility experience such as taxis , autos ,ridesharing to accepting as first choice for mobility who even those who own a private vehicle.
  • The different modes of public transport such as train,metro,tram must be integrated.

Wetlands vanishing 3 times faster than forests

Disappearing of most valuable and biodiverse ecosystem(Wetlands) at an alarming speed.
Around 35% of wetlands including lakes, rivers, marine areas were lost between 1970 -2015.
All these are the impact of global warming on oceans and forests.
A quarter of animals and plants are at risk of extinction.
The wetland is a great source of food, resources and medicines, disappearing of wetlands also effects the livelihood for more than one billion people.


On Wednesday, the concerns were growing for a beluga whale spotted in the River Thames outside London, thousands of kilometers from the cherished white species natural home in arctic waters. On Tuesday, the whale first seen was extremely rare sighting triggered wonder and excitement, but after it was spotted again exactly in the same location on Wednesday, concerns grew that the beluga had got lost and was potentially in danger.

Common herbicide may be killing honeybees

The world's most widely used weed killer may also be indirectly causing death of honey bees. Serratia is a widespread opportunistic pathogen that infects  bees around the world. Researchers recommend that farmers, landscapers and homeowners avoid spraying glyphosate-based herbicides on flowering plants that bees are likely to visit.

Solar powered CIAL airport wins UN Environmental Award

Solar Powered Cochin International Airport Wins UN Environmental Award

Cochin International Airport Limited, (CIAL) has won the UN environmental award for Entrepreneurial Vision. CIAL got the award for using sustainable energy.

It started with 100 Kilowatt pilot project in 2012, later found that it could produce 400 kilowatts of power. So they thought of scaling it up. Today the capacity of CIAL is 29.5 megawatt of solar energy, which is providing 120,000 units of power everday. CIAL is 100% on renewable energy for all its operations. Also the surplus energy generated can be used for cloudy days or monsoon seasons, when the sun rays are less frequent. Currently have eight locations for the panel.

The land where solar panel are kept is used as a farm for growing organic vegetables, which roughly produce 60 tons of vegetables.

In future CIAL target was to produce at least 100 gigawatts of power for the national grid from renewable source by 2022.

300 endangered sea turtles found dead off southern Mexican coast; environment protection officials launch investigation
  • 300 endangered sea turtles were found dead off in Mexico,trapped in fishing net,shortly after 100 were recovered
  • Mexico is the home to six of the world's seven species of sea turtles,there has permanent program to protect these reptiles and it includes punishment to offenders.
  • The office of the federal attorney for environmental protection (PROFEPA) would invest the case.
Source :

EV segment to stabilise in India over next 5 years M&M

Mahindra & Mahindra expect EV segment to be stable in next five years in India. Mahindra e20 plus taxis in Nagpur crossed over 25 lakh kilometers in one year with 100  EV vehicles. This is a milestone for company. Price of  EV vehicles are coming down mainly due to reduction in battery cost, which has already gone down by 20-25 percent over the last two years. Prices will further drop if subsidy provided. Another phase of faster adoption is hybrid and electric vehicles.

Pollution May Dim Thinking Skills, Study in China Suggests

  •  A study in china says that there is a link between air pollution and people's language and maths skill.
  • The connection between air pollution and respiratory diseases are well known and the experts now says that it further leads to stroke and heart problems.
  • Later study by researchers in US and China indicates long-term exposure to air pollution affected performance on nationwide maths and word-recognition tests by more than 25,000 people across 162 Chinese counties.
  • The impact was mostly seen among older men,and the results were troubling because if the risk factor foe Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia.

Unholy waters


Devotees immerse idols of  Lord Ganesha in polluted Yamuna River covered with froth on the last day of Ganesh Chaturthi festival, in New Delhi. 

Thiruvananthapuram corporation plans tie-up with cement factories

Thiruvananthapuram corporation plans tie-up with cement factories. 

The move is to explore possibilities for processing non-recyclable plastic waste generated in the city
A lasting solution for the problem of non -recyclable plastic waste in the city could be at hand if corporations plans for a tie-up with cement factories to process this waste materials workout.
As per the central pollution control board guidelines issued in 2017, cement factories are permitted to use such materials as fuel in furnaces.
Corporation to hold talks with Tirunelveli based company. And “since Tirunelveli is closer the corporation is expecting a low transportation cost”.

CO2 emissions cost India $210 billion every year :study (September 27, 2018)

Carbo dioxide emissions are costing the Indian economy up to $210 billion every year according to a global study. India is likely to suffer highest economic damage from climate change after the US. The economic damages model indicates that as temperature rises, economic growth in India will slow. The model accounts for everything that happens in the economy today that is sensitive to environmental conditions.
Vector borne disease ,reduced worker productivity due to heat, increased frequency of extreme precipitation resulting in infrastructure damages or any of the other many ways that human systems get impacted by climate conditions.Carbon dioxide  released from burning fossil fuels affects people and ecosystem around the world today and in the future ,these impacts are not included in market prices ,creating an environmental externality whereby consumers of fossil fuel energy do not pay for and unaware of the true costs of their consumption. so , everything that happens in the economy today that is sensitive to environmental conditions.

Narendra Modi,Emmanuel  Macron selected for UN's highest environmental award      (Sep 27 ,2018)

Prime minister narendra Modi and French President Emmanuel Macron are selected for this year's champions of the Earth' award (UN's highest environmental honour). They are selected in the policy leadership category for their work in championing the International Solar Alliance(ISA) and promoting new areas of levels of cooperation on environmental action. India and France had together launched the ISA on side lines  of the UN climate conference (COP21) in Paris in 2015.

India's Cochin International Airport is also selected for the award as World's first fully solar - powered airport because of the entrepreneurial Vision category for its leadership in the use of sustainable energy . The UNEP while announcing the award noted Macron's  work on the global pact for the environment and modi's "unprecedented pledge: to eliminate all single - use plastic in India by 2022.Other winner of the 2018 'Champions of Earth ' awards include Joan Carling )lifetime achievement award) for her work as one of the world's most prominent defenders of environment and indigenous rights.


 ISA ( International Solar Alliance ) - It is an intergovernmental body of solar rich nations whose objective to sudden  actions for increasing solar power footprints in 121 potential member countries across the globe and it head quartered in Gurugram near New Delhi in India.

UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme


World leaders gather to breathe new life into Paris accord

World leaders gather to breathe new life into Paris accord

            World leaders gathered in New York to try to breathe new life into the Paris global climate accord. The "One Planet Summit," launched last year by French President Emmanuel Macron, aims to accelerate the implementation of the 2015 pact. Having last year warned that "we are losing the battle" against climate change, Macron called on countries to massively increase funding for climate action. Trump has abandoned targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, set by his predecessor Barack Obama, by slashing dozens of environmental regulations. 
           Australia, one of the world's worst per capita greenhouse gas polluters, has scrapped plans to enshrine targets for reducing carbon emissions into law. The Paris agreement also stipulated that rich countries establish an annual $100-billion fund to help developing nations react to our heating planet. But only $10 billion has been collected so far. The United States had promised $3 billion and only gave $1 billion under Obama. 
          The next UN negotiating summit, COP24, will take place in December in Poland. About 30 presidents, prime ministers, and ministers are due to attend, including from Spain, Denmark, Norway, China, as well as from small Pacific island nations whose coastlines are getting eaten by a rising ocean. 

The world's largest bird is Voromobe Titan

The world's largest bird is Voromobe Titan

For 60 million years the colossal, flightless elephant bird Aepyornis Maximus stalked the savannah and rainforests of Madagascar until it was hunted to extinction around 1,000 years ago. The specimen weighing an estimated 860 kg about the same as a fully grown giraffe. 

In the study, Hansford examined elephant bird bones found around the world. Until now, the largest-ever elephant bird was described in 1894 by the British scientist C W Andrews as Aepyornis Titan a larger species of Aepyornis Maximus. 
Hansford said his research proved titan was indeed a different species. But he also found that its bones were so distinct from other elephant bird specimens that Titan was, in fact, an entirely separate genus. The creature would have stood at least three meters (10 feet) tall, and had an average weight of 650 kg, making it the largest bird genus yet uncovered. 

Source: ET e-newspaper

World Tourism Day 2018 Appreciates Digital Transformation for Sustainable Development

World Tourism day is celebrated on 27th September.The theme for this year world tourism day is to bring in digital transformation and advanced innovative tools in the tourism sector to  contribute towards the sustainable development across the globe.

Global Tourism has a great impact on infrastructure development, sanitation, job creation,cultural exchange and ecological burden on earth.

Due to the technological advancements, everything now happens through digital platforms and as a result the whole world in now connected.By leveraging the technologies like big data, artificial intelligence etc, global tourism can be taken to next level in a sustainable manner.

Bringing in more innovative ideas and tools into the tourism sector, it can be ensured that tourism is developing in an economical, inclusive and environment friendly manner.

   Due to heavy rain in south India the coffee production is expected to fall by 14% aganist the estimation made by last year and this may amount to 75000 tonnes as the total estimate was around 375000 tonnes and now the expectation is around 300000 tonnes. He also metioned like however the loss was estimated around 14% and this was based on begining of the season and during the sowing time the lost look like bigger and can lead to 20% and he also state that the recent flood has badly hitted the coffee industry.

Microplastics found deep in sand where turtles nest

University of Exeter scientists found an average of 5,300 particles of plastic per cubic metre at depths of 60cm (2ft) on beaches in Cyprus used by green turtles and loggerheads. At the surface, up to 130,000 fragments of plastic were found per cubic metre, the second-worst level ever recorded on a beach. 
Researchers say that if conditions worsen such pollution could eventually begin to affect hatching success and even the ratio of male and female turtle hatchling. Microplastics have different physical properties to natural sediments, so high levels could change the conditions at hatching sites. 
Microplastics is defined as less than 5mm in diameter and it come from numerous sources including discarded plastic items that have broken apart, microbeads from cosmetics and microfibres from clothes. Of the microplastics categorised in this research, nurdles (pellets used in the production of plastic products) and hard fragments broken from larger items were the most common.

Source:ScienceDaily by University of Exeter


  • The seasonal filling and emptying of reservoirs in India can cause measurable deformation of the surrounding rock, reducing the strength of nearby faults and potentially triggering earthquakes.
  • Researchers in India used global positioning system (GPS) observations along with satellite based radar data called InSAR to track the movement particularly the uplift and subsidence of rock layers around the reservoirs.
  • Reservoir-triggered frequency is thought to be the result of shifting water levels in the reservoirs impounded behind the dams, which may increase stresses on faults by altering the stress and pore pressure in rocks along the fault. Reservoir filling accounts for 23 percent of the total number of earthquakes caused by human activity, according to the Human-Induced Earthquake Database.

Carbon dioxide levels at highest, mandatory respiratory masks for all only 20 years away

  • Highest amount of carbon dioxide in atmosphere was reported.
  • Amount of carbon dioxide in the air was  411.25 parts per million
  • Scientists suggest this could be highest concentration of Carbon dioxide in human history. 
  • Rapid population growth and cutting of trees, burning of the huge amount of fossil fuels is the prime reason          for the very high rate of increase in carbon dioxide in the air.
  • Wednesday, September 26, 2018

    World waste could grow by 70% , warns World Bank

    World waste could grow by 70% , warns World Bank

    Global waste could grow by 70 per cent by 2050 as urbanization and population rise, South Asia and Sub Saharan Africa Said to generate biggest increase in rubbish as of now. It is often the poorest in society who are adversely impacted .Over 90 per cent is dumped openly in lower income countries because of low treatment facilities. Plastics which can contaminate the earth for thousands of years contributes to 12% of all waste.Adequate financing and disposal is one of the biggest issues for cities. :- World Bank. Adequate measures to be taken in the near future for dealing with this problem .

    Environmental Ministry seeks better pollution management

    This news was published in Business Standard on June 26 2018.

    • The Union Environment Ministry held meeting with expert institution including ISRO to discuss satellite based measurement for improving Air Quality Information and Management ahead of the winters.
    • During meeting experts discussed use of satellite based Aerosol Optical Depth data for estimating ground based PM 2.5 or particle with diameter less than 2.5 macrons.
    • The monitoring aims at early warning system and dissemination protocol to inform public and enforcing agencies about episodic high polution events in advance.
    • In November 2016-2017 the Air pollution levels  Delhi has crossed the level,compelling government to impose several restrictions on industrial and construction activities ,close down the schools and warn people to avoid outdoor activities including morning walk.
    • They discussed assessment of air pollution mitigation technologies and implementing solutions found feasible on a pilot basis before the onset of winter.
    • The idea explored of setting up system for certification of air quality emission monitoring instruments as calibration and certification could be done domestically.
    • National Physical Laboratories will be the certification agency for air quality measurement instrument.Certification of PM 2.5 and PM 10 volume sampler will commence from' September 2018'.

    Pollution regulator issues notices to Coal India for environmental non-compliance.

    This article was published on 07-Sep-2018 in Economic Times. This news talks about the mismatch in the regulations prescribed by the authorities and what Coal India actually has. The pollution regulator issued a notice to Coal India in August for non-compliance of environmental norms. The notice says like the sludge treatment plant in one of the mines was found to be defective and moreover, the water sprinkling systems to keep the dust under control was inadequate. The Pollution Control Board also alleged that a coal fire was observed in one of the mines also the fire fighting measures were also found to be inadequate.
    The pollution regulator for the central Indian state of Odisha issued notices to Coal Indiamines with a combined annual capacity of 20 million tonnes for non-compliance on environmental norms

    The pollution regulator for the central Indian state of Odisha issued notices to Coal Indiamines with a combined annual capacity of 20 million tonnes for non-compliance on environmental norms

    The pollution regulator for the central Indian state of Odisha issued notices to Coal Indiamines with a combined annual capacity of 20 million tonnes for non-compliance on environmental norms

    CO2 emissions cost India $210 Bn every year.

    This article talks about the harmful effects and the costs to the country with respect to the carbon dioxide emissions. According to a global study conducted by Nature Climate Change, carbon dioxide emissions are costing India with a huge amount of 210 billion dollars. India is likely to suffer the highest economic damage from climate change after United States. According to a research conducted by the University of California, the top three countries with the most to lose from climatic changes are US, India and Saudi Arabia. The news also says like As the temperature rises it can affect the growth of economy. 

    No More Plastic Ban In Kerala

    Bengal chemicals keen on resuming anti-snake venom serum production

    Bengal chemicals and pharmaceuticals ltd(BCPL). which had forayed into anti-snake venom serum(ASVS) manufacturing India nearly half a ce...